divendres, 11 de juliol del 2014

Trip summary 8 (video)

10/06/14: back to home.

But first another emotional moment, our farewell in Bialystok,

Take off from Warsaw,

A view over the Alps,

The Barcelona coast,

And finally the arrival at Centelles.

dimarts, 8 de juliol del 2014

Trip summary 7 (video)

09/06/14: and the last the Roper Park at Fasty.

Here a look at the Park,

First proper clothing

The training zone

What about the Playground and Trampoline?

The whole circuit

And a head look

divendres, 27 de juny del 2014

Trip summary 4.1 (video)

06/06/2014: the Gymnazjum building

here the students and the teachers showing us the  "Gymnazjum 5 Jan Pawel II", the exchange school, Bialystok.

An introduction about the Talent Show Contest

here the dancers

here the musicians

here the singers...

and obviously there are anothers talents students not showed here.

dijous, 19 de juny del 2014

Trip summary 3 (video)

20140605: visit to Warsawa.

A nice road travel from Bialystok to Warsawa...

and the first sight of the city

First: a visit to "Postawnie Warszawie"

Second: the Warsaw Old Town, here the Royal Palace

dimarts, 17 de juny del 2014

Trip summary 2 (video)

04/06/14: Bialowieza Forest National Park... Barack Obama is in Warsaw. It's raining again...